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Owners: Lynn & Kathryn Sturgeon and Lon Sturgeon

In business since 1962, Sturgeon’s Corner was started on a "corner" section of the L.O. Sturgeon farm located half amile south of Helena. Lynn had been a partsman for IHC in San Antonio, Tx and then FW Zaloudek Case in Kremlin, OK. He and Kathryn started in a 10x10 building with a tractor inventory of 2 Fords and 1 Farmall H.

In 1965 the business outgrew the small building and a large metal building took its place. At this time Kathryn’s retired father Renard Miller came to help build the building and stayed on until 1985. Along with tractor parts the business also included a gas station, tire service, misc grocery items, ag products and candles that their daughter Suzanne had made. From 1972 to 1976 Lynn was also part owner in the JD dealership located in Helena, OK. By 1976 they concentrated solely on tractor sales and salvage parts. In 1982 Phillip Liebsch was hired and is still with the company today as supervisor of the tear-down yard in Helena.

As soon as Lynn & Kathryn's son, Lon, was old enough he started pulling parts, driving trucks and picking up tractors for the business. In the summer of 1982 he joined the business full time. He also attended auctioneering school during 1985 and conducts the annual spring consignment auction.

During the years three more buildings were added and in Feburary 2004 after lack of space and a need for better freight connections the headquarters was moved to its current location on Hwy 412 in Meno, OK.

The new location in Meno is still on a "corner" section of land and consists of a 100 x 100 building and large fenced-in gravel lot where the annual spring consignment auction is held.

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